Learning About Tutors For Kids

Learning About Tutors For Kids

How Autism Awareness Helps Students

by Lloyd Burke

Parents and teachers are becoming more aware that children learn differently, so awareness is being brought to help teach. Autism is a vast spectrum that challenges students, teachers, and parents to find lesson plans that work. While April is generally the time when autism awareness is pushed, it is a good idea to talk about ways to adapt instructions year-round.

What Is Autism?

There are millions of people in the United States who are diagnosed with autism and thousands that go undiagnosed. Autism is a neurological condition that affects how a person communicates and handles themselves in social settings. The spectrum is broad, and symptoms will vary from person to person. A common symptom is the inability to communicate appropriately, if at all. The higher they are on the spectrum, the more their condition prohibits functioning as expected or desired. People who are low on the spectrum, or high functioning, used to receive the diagnosis of Asperger's.

Knowing what autism means is only half the battle. The other half of the battle is how teachers can support these students with increased awareness. Children on the spectrum may simply seem quiet, shy, or withdrawn. It is important to consider the following to prevent isolation or unwanted behavior.

Clear Instructions

As an instructor, it is your responsibility to make sure that your students understand the directions of homework assignments. This is more so with people on the spectrum. Children who have an autism diagnosis may struggle with the ability to understand sarcasm or hidden meanings. When you are creating projects, make sure the instructions are clear and direct. If possible, create a step by step instruction for students who struggle with breaking the directions down themselves.

Maintain Structure

While all children benefit from a routine and structure, children on the spectrum rely on it for comfort. Deviations from a set schedule often cause anxiety attacks, which get displayed as attitude or meltdowns. Give students an itinerary at the beginning of the semester, but then also a syllabus that will help them keep on track. This will allow them to feel confident in what is expected and when.


Finally, children on the spectrum will require more patience than neurotypical children. They may struggle to ask questions when they need more assistance and processing what you tell them takes more time. Encourage children to ask questions in ways they feel comfortable. This may be in written form or extra time alone with you following class. Also, do not demonstrate frustration when you need to repeat something several times before they understand it fully.

When you work to make a child feel comfortable, they are more likely to be successful. Every student will present different needs, and awareness helps everyone know how to meet them.

For more information, reach out to an autism awareness education program.


About Me

Learning About Tutors For Kids

Hi there, my name is Clancy. When my daughter started going to school, she struggled in all of her classes. She was unable to perform the math calculations well enough to keep up with her peers. As she fell behind, I knew I had to act fast to help her out. I sought out a skilled tutor to help her begin to understand math. The tutoring sessions worked slowly at first, but then her knowledge started to take off from there. Today, she tutors other struggling kids in math to give back to the community. I will use this site to talk about all of the benefits of hiring a tutor for your kids. Thank you.