Learning About Tutors For Kids

Learning About Tutors For Kids

Time For Preschool! 4 Steps To Help Your Twins Develop Their Own Personalities

by Lloyd Burke

The first day of preschool is always a big deal. If you're the parents of identical twins, it can be an even bigger deal. You won't just be preparing one child for a big adventure, you'll be preparing two. The transition to preschool might be difficult, especially if your twins are used to doing everything together. While you want your kids to enjoy preschool together, you also want them to have the opportunity to grow as individuals. Here are four steps you can take to ensure that your twins have the chance to develop their own personalities in school.

Embrace Their Differences

Just because your kids spent 9 months sharing the same amniotic fluid, doesn't mean they're going to be exactly alike 24 hours a day. Now that your twins are heading off to preschool, use this opportunity to let them experience things differently. While you're at it, make sure their teachers are on the same page. Twins need to learn to embrace their differences. They'll have an easier time of it if they see that their those around them are embracing the differences too.

Give Praise Individually

Once your twins are in school, they're going to start receiving praise for their accomplishments. This is good time for them to get used to individual accomplishments. To make sure that your twins learn how to separate their own accomplishments from those of their sibling, make sure that the teacher is prepared to provide individual praise to each one. This will help your kids learn that they don't have to accomplish things on the same timeline.

Let Them Pick Their Own Clothes

Matching clothes might be cute when twins are in their infancy. However, now that your kids are heading off to preschool, let them start picking their own clothes. They might still choose matching outfits from time to time, but they'll be making their own choices.

Encourage Individual Growth

Now that your kids are in preschool, they'll start experiencing life a little differently than they did before. For one thing, they'll be introduced to different activities. Instead of encouraging your twins to continue doing everything together, help them find interests that appeal to them as individuals. This might include finding sports that they'd enjoy to do on their own, or identifying other hobbies that the other one might not share an interest in.

Your twins are coming into their own. It's time to send them off to preschool. The tips provided here will help you find ways to encourage their individual growth.

For child care services, contact an organization such as Cottonwood Montessori


About Me

Learning About Tutors For Kids

Hi there, my name is Clancy. When my daughter started going to school, she struggled in all of her classes. She was unable to perform the math calculations well enough to keep up with her peers. As she fell behind, I knew I had to act fast to help her out. I sought out a skilled tutor to help her begin to understand math. The tutoring sessions worked slowly at first, but then her knowledge started to take off from there. Today, she tutors other struggling kids in math to give back to the community. I will use this site to talk about all of the benefits of hiring a tutor for your kids. Thank you.