Learning About Tutors For Kids

Learning About Tutors For Kids

Things Your Child Should Learn in Pre-K to Prepare Them for Kindergarten

by Lloyd Burke

Starting school is an important rite of passage for children, but you must ensure they are developmentally and intellectually ready for their first day of kindergarten. Fortunately, children who receive a high-quality pre-kindergarten education have a higher chance of succeeding in school. Of course, making sure your child's time in pre-kindergarten is worthwhile will require some education on your end. By using this guide on things your child should learn while in pre-kindergarten, you will understand what your child should know before kindergarten.

Cognitive Skills

Children in preschool should be able to name basic colors and shapes. Reciting or singing the alphabet is also important. Your child may not be able to understand the sounds each letter makes, but they should be able to name the actual letters of the alphabet when they see them.

Preschool-aged children should be able to speak clearly using multiple sentences. Young children may not be able to read, but they should comprehend stories and be able to tell the difference between fact and fiction.

In terms of numbers and math, your child should also be able to count up to 20, identify which numbers are larger than others, and complete basic addition and subtraction before starting kindergarten.

Social Skills

Preschool is a great time for your child to learn the social skills they will need to interact with classmates, teachers, and school staff once they start kindergarten.

Pre-kindergarten will allow your child to play with other children in a classroom setting and outdoors on a playground. Your child will need to learn how to play with others in a safe, friendly manner without the worry of fighting or bullying. Sharing is a key part of socialization in pre-school, so your child will also learn the importance of sharing with classmates.

During your child's time in preschool, they will learn how to communicate their thoughts, feelings, wants, and needs with other classmates and teachers. It is also helpful for your child to know their full name, address, and telephone number. This is necessary for learning how to properly communicate, but it is also beneficial in case your child becomes lost.

Preschool also teaches your young child how to follow a schedule. Schedules allow teachers to maintain a sense of control and organization in school, but they are also necessary for providing children with a structured routine

Your child's education is important, so you should place emphasis on what they are learning each day. With this guide, you will know what your preschool-aged child should learn before starting kindergarten.  

For more information about what preschools near you teach, visit centers like Small World Early Learning & Development Center.


About Me

Learning About Tutors For Kids

Hi there, my name is Clancy. When my daughter started going to school, she struggled in all of her classes. She was unable to perform the math calculations well enough to keep up with her peers. As she fell behind, I knew I had to act fast to help her out. I sought out a skilled tutor to help her begin to understand math. The tutoring sessions worked slowly at first, but then her knowledge started to take off from there. Today, she tutors other struggling kids in math to give back to the community. I will use this site to talk about all of the benefits of hiring a tutor for your kids. Thank you.