Learning About Tutors For Kids

Learning About Tutors For Kids

Four Ways A Preschool Can Help Your Child Prepare For Kindergarten

by Lloyd Burke

When your child turns four, it is important for them to start learning basic information that they will need when they start school. Being able to identify their letters, shapes, numbers, and colors can make kindergarten a bit easier for them. If your child is going to start kindergarten next year, you may want to consider sending them to a preschool this year. Preschool can be very beneficial for a child and the guide below walks you through a few of the ways your child may benefit from going to a preschool. 

Learn What to Expect at School

Going to school for the first time can be an overwhelming experience for many children because they do not know what to expect and can sometimes act out or cry excessively. Sending your child to preschool allows them to learn what to expect when they go to school on a smaller scale. Preschools are often much smaller than elementary schools and have less students in each class so that your child can learn all of the basic skills he or she needs in a smaller, less hectic environment.

Learn How to Interact with Other Children

If your child has never been around other children before, going to school can be very difficult because he or she will not know how to interact with the other children. They will not know how to handle conflict, may have difficulty sharing, and may not be able to communicate as freely with other children because they may feel shy or overwhelmed. Going to preschool allows your child to meet other children, learn how to handle situations that arise in a constructive way, and how to build friendships.

Learn How to Focus for Extended Periods of Time

In kindergarten, children need to be able to sit still for extended periods of time in order to learn. If a child has never had to sit and be still for a long period of time, this can be very difficult for them. Preschool has children sit and pay attention to a lesson for a few minutes at a time. This helps to build your child's focus without pushing them too far out of their comfort zone.

Learn How to Follow a Routine

Finally, your child will learn how to follow a routine. The preschool will have a specific routine that they follow every day that your child will learn to follow, as well. This will help them prepare for the routine that they will need to be able to follow when they head to kindergarten and need to be able to switch to different resource classes throughout the week and switch between subjects throughout the day.

All of these skills are very important when your child goes to kindergarten and having them instilled in your child as early as possible will make the transition into kindergarten easier for them. The preschool will teach them the essential skills they need to thrive in school.  To learn more, contact a preschool like North End Montessori School.


About Me

Learning About Tutors For Kids

Hi there, my name is Clancy. When my daughter started going to school, she struggled in all of her classes. She was unable to perform the math calculations well enough to keep up with her peers. As she fell behind, I knew I had to act fast to help her out. I sought out a skilled tutor to help her begin to understand math. The tutoring sessions worked slowly at first, but then her knowledge started to take off from there. Today, she tutors other struggling kids in math to give back to the community. I will use this site to talk about all of the benefits of hiring a tutor for your kids. Thank you.